

ThanksBox UX Project


ThanksBox is a digital product which provides mid to large sized companies the ability to implement a peer to peer Thank You system in their respective organisations. I was able to work for ThanksBox to research and uncover milestones that can serve as celebrations for a Millennial and the modern day workforce with a company. My objective was to provide a User Research Report and an ideated solution to ThanksBox’s brief. Through a collaborative and iterative approach, I conducted stakeholder interviews, surveys and one on one interviews & was able to uncover key insights.


User interviews and surveys

User interviews have proved to be an effective way to understand user emotions, patterns and problems. This is why I chose this method to validate user pain points and uncover some key insights. Through an online survey, I was able to then conduct one on one user interviews with 10 employed individuals aged between 23-45 and asked a set of questions about employment history, why they left and why they stayed at a job.


Through these interviews, key insights were synthesised and these were used to inform the rest of the research report and also an initial rough idea.

  • Users wanted to be valued by their company and their fellow work colleagues

  • Recognition made users feel important at their company

  • Work life balance and culture was valued just as high as Salary

  • Continuing growth and development was key in staying at a job

  • Users considered the celebration of of milestones and “small wins” added to longevity in a job

User Personas

User personas are a fictitious representation of end users formed from the insights gathered from the surveys and one on one interviews. Personas help to create a vision about a product from the eyes of the end user and think from their point of view.


User Jouney maps and Empathy Maps

I used both user journey maps and empathy maps to further understand how these personas would behave giving more insights and vision to the product.



With research complete, ideation phase began, using all the insights found and through the personas to try to determine a rough solution. My intention was to produce a solution which would help millenials feel more recognised at work, to determine what is their milestones are, and to celebrate these milestones

The Idea - Miles stone Calendar

The Milestone Calendar would be a new feature on the ThanksBox Platform which would compliment existing features. My Idea of the Milestone Calendar came in two parts.

  1. A personal calendar that every employee would have on their ThanksBox account which gave them the ability to add their own milestones on the date of achievement or add them pre-emptively

  2. A permanent “Public Service Announcement” Board which would be found on the Thanks page. The idea behind this is to “announce” all the milestones achieve that day to be seen by all in the company giving the option of congratulating or rewarding the individual for reaching the milestone

Wireframes - Sketches


Wireframe - Digital wireframe
